
HIMSS Oklahoma Chapter

The HIMSS Oklahoma Chapter provides a place for HIMSS members to play an active role in improving the future of healthcare through connection, collaboration, and learning. Members represent hospitals of all sizes, managed care organizations, integrated delivery systems, non-profit healthcare organizations, as well organizations who provide solutions for the many challenges that exist in healthcare.

Get to know us

Catch up on presentations, recordings, and photos from recent activities.

Meet our Board.

Make a difference

Voting for leadership applications will be open to chapter membership June 6th - June 17th.  

New leadership will be notified by June 24th.

Join our chapter!

Not a HIMSS Member: Join here.

Current HIMSS Members: Update your complimentary chapter by going to "My Account"


If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us.

Interested in Sponsoring?

Please email us.


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